Wednesday 23 May 2012

World's largest pool which cost $1bn and holds 66m gallons.

World's Largest Pool holds 66m Gallons
At the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Chile, a world's largest pool which cost $1bn and holds 66m gallons. It also hold the Guinness record for the world's deepest - so if you don't feel like diving 115ft to the bottom, it might be best to bring some spare goggles.

The pool opened in December 2006 after nearly five years of construction work and is said to have set developers back as much as £1billion. And on top of that eye-watering initial cost, it takes a further £2million a year to keep it in working order.
Swimming a length in this, the world's largest outdoor pool, would mean stroke after stroke for more than three fifths of a mile - that's 20 Olympic-size swimming pools.

World's Largest Pool in Chile

Apart from its large size, the lagoon has another spectacular feature: its waters have the transparency and intense turquoise color of tropical seas. This has been made possible thanks to an advanced technology developed by the Chilean company Crystal Lagoons, which uses water pumped from the Pacific Ocean, that is then filtered and treated for supply to the pool, built at the cost of US$3.5 million whilst the maintenance costs are said to be 1/4th of those associated to a pro golf course.

1,000m long, 19-acre outdoor pool, 250 million liters of water which holds a Guinness world record as the largest in the world.

Monday 21 May 2012

Jackie Chan Retires !

Jackie Chan Retires
Martial arts superstar Jackie Chan has announced his retirement as an action star.The 58-year-old actor, who has done 100 action films so far and will be seen in his upcoming new film.The Hong Kong actor said that his latest film 'Chinese Zodiac' will be his last action movie.

"For the last ten years I've been choosing the director to direct me. This one I direct myself." he said. "I hope this movie, 20 years later, people still remember it. For me, for the audience, for my future, for my history ,it's very important." Chan Says...

Chan says "Chinese Zodiac," and the many films before it, have taken their toll on his body.

Friday 18 May 2012

History of Facebook

universal website that can contact people around the university. According to his roommate, Dustin Moskovitz, "When Mark finished the site, he told a couple of friends ... then one of them suggested putting it on the Kirkland House online mailing list, which was ... three hundred people." Moskovitz continued to said that, “By the end of the night, we were ... actively watching the registration process. Within twenty-four hours, we had somewhere between twelve hundred and fifteen hundred registrants.

Membership was initially restricted to students of Harvard University. Within the first month, more than half the undergraduate population at Harvard was registered on the service.. It gradually reached most universities in Canada and the United States. Facebook was incorporated in the summer of 2004, and the entrepreneur Sean Parker, who had been informally advising Zuckerberg, became the company's president. In June 2004, Facebook moved its base of operations to Palo Alto, California. The company dropped ‘The’ from its name after purchasing the domain name in 2005 for $200,000.On October 1, 2005, Facebook expanded to twenty-one universities in the United Kingdom, the entire Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey(ITESM) system in Mexico (around thirty campuses throughout the country at the time).

On December 11, 2005, universities in Australia and New Zealand were added to the Facebook network, bringing its size to 2,000+ colleges and 25,000 + high schools throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. Facebook was then opened on September 26, 2006 to everyone ages 13 and older with a valid e-mail address. In October 2008, Facebook announced that it would set up its international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.

As of February 2011, Facebook had become the largest online photo host, being cited by Facebook application and online photo aggregator Pixable as expecting to have 100 billion photos by summer 2011. As of October 2011, over 350 million users accessed Facebook through their mobile phones, accounting for 33% of all Facebook traffic.

On March 12, 2012, Yahoo! filed suit in a U.S. federal court against Facebook weeks before the scheduled Facebook initial public offering. In its court filing, Yahoo said that Facebook had infringed on ten of its patents covering advertising, privacy controls and social networking. Yahoo had threatened to sue Facebook a month before the filing, insisting that the social network license its patents. A spokesperson for Facebook issued a statement saying "We're disappointed that Yahoo, a longtime business partner of Facebook and a company that has substantially benefited from its association with Facebook, has decided to resort to litigation". The lawsuit claims that Yahoo's patents cover basic social networking ideas such as customizing website users' experiences to their needs, adding that the patents cover ways of targeting ads to individual users.


Tuesday 15 May 2012

How World Will Look In Next 50 Years !

Future City in 50 years
People have always been intrigued of what the future will look like. The answers are quite simple and here you have them for the next 50 years. In last 50 years world has changed a lot from business to the lifestyle of the human being, In last 50 yeas back some of the great inventions took succeed and it changed the world totally. 

It might be possible in the future to experience the sand between your toes, feel the salt from the ocean on your lips, hear the waves and smell the seaweed, just lying in your bed at home. But we will not be able to fool the mind in the way that no matter how real the experience will feel, you will always know that it haven’t happen for real.  

Flying cars is an example of a scenario that has been pictured for the future for a long time. It is a great and exciting concept, but is it realistic?

Agriculture will still be hard work, but mainstream farming will benefit from a wealth of new technologies. Already we are seeing satellite navigation in tractors and precision farming equipment. The use of robots to milk cows and spot-spraying of weeds in horticulture is already here; it won’t be too long before tractors on large arable units will operate without the use of drivers, controlled by a central tower. 
World in Next 50 Years

The future is pretty much unguessable; who in 1914 would have thought that France and Germany would be close partners fifty years later?

Remember when TV arrived and they said it would be the end of radio and the cinema? And when the internet arrived, they said it would mean the end of everything and the beginning of something else?

The most depressing thing about the world 50 years from now is that I won’t be in it. My mind spins at all the great things I’m going to miss. In my lifetime, the advance of the internet, computers and mobile communications has been so fast-paced – I’m old enough to have received messages on ticker-tape; my first TV was black and white and had one channel… (and I’m not even really that old) that we seem to be hurtling into a technological utopia.
There will probably be no newspapers or books, you may be able to download straight into your brain, but whatever happens, publishers and bookshops will be obsolete. Writers will self-publish direct to e-books. People will still worry that children aren’t reading, but storytelling will never die: it’s too important to the human condition
(Anthony Horowitz, author and screenwriter, on the future of storytelling)

But definitely may be world moving to end time, the only reason Global Warming.

Sunday 13 May 2012

The Top 10 most powerful cities in the world 2012

List of the Top Ten most economically powerful cities in the world, as selected by Richard Florida in his survey of surveys on global metro powerhouses (2012).

No: 1 New York : New York City, with a population of over 8.1 million, is the most populous city in the United States. Alone, it makes up over 40 percent of the population of New York state. It is known for its status as a center for finance and culture and for its status as the largest gateway for immigration to the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, New York City is also a destination of choice for many foreign visitors.
New York

No: 2 London : London is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transport all contributing to its prominence.fifth-largest city GDP in the world (and the largest in Europe).London has been described as a world cultural capital.


No: 3 Tokyo : The prefecture is part of the world's most populous metropolitan area with upwards of 35 million people and the world's largest urban agglomeration economy with a GDP of US$1.479 trillion at purchasing power parity.Tokyo has been described as one of the three "command centers" for the world economy.In 2010 Tokyo was named the second most expensive city for expatriate employees, according to the Mercer and Economist Intelligence Unit cost-of-living surveys.

Tokyo City

No: 4 Hong Kong : As one of the world's leading international financial centres, Hong Kong has a major capitalist service economy characterised by low taxation and free trade, and the currency, Hong Kong dollar, is the eighth most traded currency in the world.The lack of space caused demand for denser constructions, which developed the city to a centre for modern architecture and the world's most vertical city.Hong Kong has one of the highest per capita income in the world.
Hong Kong

No: 5 Paris :  Paris is today one of the world's leading business and cultural centres, and its influences in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion, science, and the arts all contribute to its status as one of the world's major global cities.It hosts the headquarters of many international organizations such as UNESCO, the OECD, the International Chamber of Commerce or the European Space Agency.


No: 6 Chicago : Chicago is a major, alpha+ global city, ranking seventh in the world on the 2012 Global Cities Index, and retains its status as an international hub for finance, industry, telecommunications and infrastructure, with O'Hare International Airport being the second busiest airport in the world in terms of traffic movements.

No: 7 Singapore : Singapore is a world leader in several areas: It is the world's fourth-leading financial centre, the world's second-biggest casino gambling market, and the world's third-largest oil refining centre. The port of Singapore is one of the five busiest ports in the world, most notable for being the busiest transshipment port in the world. The country is home to more US dollar millionaire households per capita than any other country.

No: 8 Shanghai :  Shanghai is the commercial and financial center of mainland China, and ranks fifth in the 2011 edition of the Global Financial Centres Index published by the City of London.It was the largest and most prosperous city in the Far East during the 1930s, and rapid re-development began in 1990s.


No: 9 Los Angeles : Los Angeles is a world center of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, sports, technology, and education. It is home to renowned institutions covering a broad range of professional and cultural fields and is one of the most substantial economic engines within the United States. Los Angeles has been ranked the third richest city and fifth most powerful and influential city in the world.
Los Angeles

No: 10 Zurich : Zurich is a leading global city and among the world's largest financial centres. The city is home to a large number of financial institutions and banking giants. Also, most of the research and development centres are concentrated in Zurich and the low rate of tax attracts overseas companies to set up their headquarters there.


Saturday 12 May 2012

Professional Level Opensource NLE system software for editing

Light Works Beta (Screen shot)
Film-makers and editors might be thinking there will be lot many free open source editing systems for films and videos available in the market and what so new ! and  another thing its find very hard to work on HD video files on available free non - linear editing systems software. Free Open source software  has lot many limitations, by that editors find very hard to work on it. And there are lot many paid softwares availalbe like sony vegas , avid but have to thousands to get it. we are presenting an product that recently announced an Open source beta for editors and fillm-makers. A editing system product , that can reduced thousands of bugs to film-maker and editors in buying high rates toher products.

Lightworks is a professional NLE system for editing and mastering of movies in 2K and 4K as well as television productions in PAL, NTSC and HD. Lightworks is a pioneer in computer-based film editing and has been in development since 1989.
The program is available as a public beta for Windows users. The release of an Open source version was planned for 29th November 2011 but shortly before the planned publication it has been indefinitely postponed.
 Editors using Lightworks have produced numerous internationally renowned and Oscar and Emmy Award award-winning feature films and television programs, including The King's Speech, Martin Scorsese's Hugo and The Departed, Mission Impossible, Pulp Fiction, Braveheart and Batman.

Lightworks Editing software available as free and can be upgradable as need.

Edit as fast as you can think... Spend more time looking at the picture, and less time navigating menus and buttons with an intuitive interface and a user-friendly toolset.The advanced GPU effects pipeline architecture means Lightworks will scale with your system. Real time Primary and Secondary colour correctors and unlimited effects layers scale with your GPU.

for more information about product visit

Friday 11 May 2012

Design your 3D Game with Open-source Free Game Engines.

Design your Game with Open-source Game Engines.

Game engine is the core software component of the game that makes the game work.
So just develop your own 3D games with free available games engines in the market. We brought some list of famous fre open source game engines to develop your very own 3d games.
Crystal Space is a free (LGPL) and portable 3D Game Development Kit written in C++. Contains a lot of features which are actively developed, Low & mid level programming with C++.

Irrlicht Engine is a free open source cross-platform high performance real-time 3D engine written inC++. It is a powerful high level API for creating complete 3D and 2D applications like
 Free Game Engines
Games or scientific visualizations. It comes with an excellent documentation. High performance realtime 3D rendering using Direct3D and OpenGL. Clean, easy to understand and well documentated API with lots of examples and tutorials.

Panda 3D another free licence game engine with a library of subroutines for 3D rendering and game development. The library is C++.With a set of Python bindings. Game development with Panda3D usually consists of Writing a Python program that controls the Panda3D library.

Quake III was released December 3 1999. It basically includes most of the features from the previous Quake engines and new features such as shaders, curved surfaces, 32-bitcolor, special effects, bleeding-edge networking and super-smooth speedy hardware
Free open source engines had its own limitations and there are humdreds of codes and free engine available in markets to suies your demands, the above list are of best in use from others.

And from all from abaove Check a look on BLENDER 3D (Highly Recommended).